French windows have always been a challenge to window cleaners. With the MultiSqueegee from Sörbo Products Inc. suddenly it’s only half as challenging. See how you can do French windows profitably and raise the quality of your work at the same time.
Archives: Videos
Videos are YouTube videos identified by Video ID.
Fast Release Swivel Handle by Sorbo
TOOL BELT Your Window Cleaning Equipment | Sorbo
Professional Window Cleaning TECHNIQUES Part 2| Sorbo
Quadropod Bucket Stand – Window Cleaning Professionals
One arm getting longer than the other from lugging your cleaning bucket around? Sick of getting your pant leg wet? Get your bucket a pimped-out ride, and save yourself from all that misery. Our Leifcart Sport Utility Bucket stand goes over curbs, lawns and rough terrain without spilling. It has a graceful and comfortable handle so you can push it along FAST with little effort. Perfect for those commercial jobs outdoors.
Cleaning French Windows in Half the Time: MULTI-SQUEEGEE by Sorbo
If you’ve ever been mystified by how the channel end clip is removed or inserted, this video is for you. Part of the secret is to relax and not worry too much about it. The end clip is a tough little bugger, and the rubber is too. So take it easy… feel free to push, pull and bend this way or that to make it all come together… and don’t forget, a little lubrication never hurts. But please, only use water.